I am a researcher at the Institute of History and Political Science (ULIM) and PhD candidate at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. 

My research interests include: 
  • Public Discourse on Devolution;
  • Geopolitics of Borders. EU Enlargement to the East;
  • European Neighbourhood Policy / Eastern Partnership;
  • Turkey - EU Relationship; Political Islam in Turkey. 

Fall semester 2012 
(Sep 10, 2012 - Jan 10, 2013)
USFSP, Florida, USA
Carnegie Research Fellowship

November, 2009
Central European University, Hungary
CRC, Open House Session on Political Science

July 2009; December 2008
Warsaw University, Poland
Studium Europy Wschodniej


The Discourse on Devolution in Moldova 
Round Table - Current Issues in Moldova's Domestic and Foreign Affairs: European Integration, Security and Reintegration Policy, ULIM, Chișinău
23 October 2018

Design-ul politic și instituțional al devoluției în Republica Moldova: localizarea discursului 
International Scientific Conference – Istorie, Politică și Mass-Media în Societățile Post-Sovietice. In memoriam Acad. Andrei Galben, fondator ULIM, ULIM, Chișinău
17 October 2018

Modele de aplicare a devoluției: experiența unor țări europene 
8th Annual International Scientific Conference for Young Researchers - Perspective de dezvoltare a științei în viziunea tinerilor cercetători,  Institute of Law and Political Science, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chișină
3 June 2014

Межкультурный диалог в Молдове и сложности восприятия евроинтеграции
National Scientific Conference Parteneriatul Estic și Republica Moldova: Obiective - Practici - Provocări, USM, Chișinău
27 September 2013 
Intercultural Dialogue in Moldova and Challenges of European Integration
International Research Conference on Cultural Diplomacy under the program Eastern Partnership - Perspectives of Cultural Diplomacy, IWI, Krakow, Poland
29-31 August 2013

Devolution in the Republic of Moldova: Transnistria and Gagauzia Compared
Southern Political Science Association 84th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA
3-5 January 2013

Devolutionary Trends in the Republic of Moldova: the Case of Gagauz Yeri
Northeastern Political Science Association 44th Annual Meeting, Omni Parker House, Boston, MA, USA
15-17 November 2012

Locul Parteneriatului Estic in diminuarea riscurilor la adresa securitatii energetice a Republicii Moldova
Scientific Conference – Republica Moldova la 20 de ani de la proclamarea independentei, ULIM, Chișinău
22 October 2011

The Eastern Partnership: Strengthening the Energy Security of Post-Soviet Space
International Scientific Conference  A New Region of Europe: Regional Development Paradigms in the Baltic-Black Sea IntermarumEHU, Vilnius, Lithuania
26-27 November 2010

Turkey's Geopolitical Interests in the South Caucasus and Central Asia. Closer to the EU or Drifting Apart? 
Presentation at the seminar in the framework of the XIX East European Summer School, Studium Europy Wschodniej, Warsaw University, Poland
1-21 July 2009

Eastern Partnership Initiative and European Prospects for the Republic of Moldova
International Scientific Conference  Republica Moldova în contextul geopolitic contemporan și probleme actuale ale edificării statului de drept în Republica Moldova din perspective integrării europene, Institute of History, State and Law, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chișină
27 March 2009

Eastern Partnership Initiative and Polish-Moldovan Cooperation
Polish-Moldavian School – History, Culture, Politics, Studium Europy Wschodniej, Warsaw University, Poland
10-17 December 2008

Turkey In The Context Of EU Enlargement To The East
Symposia Studentium, ULIM, Chișinău
22 - 23 April 2005

Основные аспекты политической деятельности Кемаля Ататюрка 
Symposia Studentium, ULIM, Chișinău
23 - 24 April 2004

Суть и оригинальность буддизма 
Symposia Studentium, ULIM, Chișinău
18 - 19 April 2003


The Discourse on Asymmetrical Devolution in Moldova: Gagauzia and Transnistria in FocusIn: Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, 2018, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp.87-111. 

20 Years of "Autonomy for the Gagauz: Reflections on Devolutionary Trends in the Republic of Moldova. In: Romanian Journal of Comparative Law / Revista Romana de Drept Comparat, 2015, Vol. 6, Issue 1, pp. 54-87. (With Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan) 

Cultivating global citizenship in higher education: civic engagement and service learning in joint study abroad coursesIn: International Journal of Education for Social Justice (RIEJS), 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 111-129.
(With Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan)

Modele de aplicare a devoluției: experiența unor țări europene. In: Perspective de dezvoltare a științei în viziunea tinerilor cercetători: Materiale Conf. șt. intern. anuale a tinerilor cercetători, Ed. a 8-a, 3 iun. 2014, Chișinău: S. n., 2014 (Tipogr. „Artpoligraf”). Vol. 2: Drept național și științe politice, 2014, pp. 223-233.

Межкультурный диалог в Молдове и сложности восприятия евроинтеграции. In: Восточное партнерство. Цели - опыт - вызовы. Krakow: Ksiegarnia akademicka, 2013, pp. 261-268.

Intercultural Dialogue in Moldova and Complex Perceptions of European Integration In: Eastern Partnership. Perspectives of Cultural Diplomacy. Conference Papers, Krakow: IWI, 2013, pp. 75-85.

What Does Asymmetrical Devolution mean? In: History&Politics, Vol. 6, No. 1 (11), Chișinău: ULIM, 2013, pp. 106-114. 

Approaches to the Problem of Devolution in Moldova: Lessons to be Learnt In: History&Politics, Vol. 5, No. 1 (9), Chișinău: ULIM, 2012, pp. 149-158.

Fenomenul devoluției: repere teoretico-metodologice de investigație În: Revista de filozofie, sociologie și științe politice, Nr. 3 (160), Chișinău: IIESP AȘM, 2012,  pp. 98-113. (With Victor Juc)

The Eastern Partnership: Strengthening the Energy Security of Post-Soviet Space In: History&Politics, Vol. 4, No. 2 (8), Chișinău: ULIM, 2011, pp. 168-176.

Post-kemalist Political Transformations in Turkey - Democratization or Islamization? In: History&Politics, Vol. 4, No. 1 (7), Chișinău: ULIM, 2011, pp. 92-99.

Eastern Partnership Initiative and European Prospects for Republic of Moldova. In: Republica Moldova in contextul geopolitic contemporan si probleme actuale ale edificarii statului de drept in Republica Moldova din perspective integrarii europene (Materials of Annual International Scientific Conference), 3rd ed., Chisinau, Institute of History, State and Law of The Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2010, pp. 313-321.

Turkey's Geopolitical Interests in the South Caucasus and Central Asia. Closer to the EU or Drifting Apart? In: History&Politics, No. 1-2, Chișinău: ULIM, 2009, pp. 144-155.