Presentation about Moldova at USF Tampa

29 November 2012 - presentation at USF Tampa on "The Republic of Moldova: European Country in Transition."

NPSA 44th Annual Meeting in Boston

This year I participated in the Northeastern Political Science Assosiation  44th Annual Meeting in Boston, USA. I received valuable comments and feedback on my paper and I am very thankful to NCEEER providing professional development fund for such a great experience and to my mentor Dr. JSM for her support.

Explore Moldova!

During my presentations at USFSP on 26 October 2012 and 14 November 2012 I told USF students about history, culture and traditions in Moldova; about our popular holidays and celebrations! Of course, I could not bypass the 20th Anniversary of ULIM and the 15th Anniversary of our Department! I spiced my presentation up with our beautiful legends! Together we watched 'Hora din Moldova'! We all enjoyed the lecture! After the presentation Dr. JSM told about the Spring Abroad Course USFSP organizes in cooperation with ULIM. We really look forward to meeting with USF students in Chisinau in March 2013!

"Go Bulls!" - USF greeting hand symbol

“Go Bulls” Hand Symbol

The bullhorns created from the fingers on your hand create a powerful symbol that silently screams: “Go Bulls!” First started as a good luck symbol for basketball free-throw shots, the “Go Bulls!” The hand symbol is now used as the premier USF cheering and greeting symbol. (USF Traditions)

Fieldtrip to the Pinellas County Emergency Operations Center

On Wednesday, 31 October 2012, we visited the Pinellas County Emergency Operations Center in Clearwater together with the Urban Politics and Government class of professor Waters. It was very useful to learn how an emergency center operates, and 911 service reacts to emergency situations especially after the devastating Sandy Hurricane. The Center receives 15 000 phone calls daily in Pinellas County helping people help themselves.


911 Halloween decorations