I currently hold an appointment as senior lecturer at Free International University of Moldova for the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Journalism, where I received my licentiate diploma and M.A. in International Relations in 2005 and 2006, respectively.

ABOUT ME on http://americancouncils.md - CARNEGIE News:

Moldovan Carnegie delegate at the Carnegie Orientation in Washington, DC.

ABOUT ME on the Bishop Center (USFSP) web site  and on Dr. JSM's blog

ABOUT ME in Faculty of History and International Relations. 15th Anniversary

"Facultatea Istorie și Relații Internaționale la 15 ani. Studiu Istorico-Bibliografic." Chișinău: ULIM, 2012, p. 52-53.

ABOUT ME in ULIM Top 50 Graduates (1992-2007):

"Top - 50: absolvenți ULIM." Chișinău: ULIM, 2007.